1,2,3- Work is fun - Social inclusion of youth in risk trough profesional integration

The dynamics of youth unemployment in Bulgaria follows the common European trends. At the same time, the economic activity of young people at risk is extremely low and their integration into the labor market is more difficult due to a number of local factors. The effects of the global crisis, in which the proportion of young people who do not participate in any form of employment, education or training have increased significantly, and Bulgaria is one of the Europen countries, with highest percentage of inactive youth. The situation for young people at risk is even more difficult and further targeted efforts are needed to integrate them into the labor market. In this context, the current project aims to activate and integrate through employment youth at risk up to the age of 29 who are neither in education or training nor in employment. The main activities to achieve this goal are: identification of economically inactive young people at risk aged 16-29 through the implementation of an information campaign and individual outreach work, inclusion in motivational training and to be employed through subsidized employment in the foundation for 12 months in different positions. Through the implementation of these activities, the project seeks to achieve the following results: - Making primary contact to identify 35 economically inactive young people not involved in employment, education or training; - Conducted motivational trainings through which young people will acquire skills for preparing CVs and other documents for applying for a job; interviewing; using channels for inclusion in the education system, seeking training, internships and / or work; - Provided subsidized employment for 12 at-risk young people not involved in work, education or training; - Activated youth up to 29 years to return to the education system, to register with the Labor Office Directorate, to enter training in connection with an opportunity to work and / or to enter the labor market.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2020
End date 01 Sep, 2022
Contract date 15 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 160,379.52
Grant 160,379.52
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

