Patronage care in the municipality of Kameno

The project “Patronage Care in the Municipality of Kameno- Component 3” aims at improving the quality of life and the opportunities for social inclusion of the disabled and the elderly people from the Municipality of Kameno by providing a network of services in the home environment and building the necessary /material and human resource/ capacity to provide them. The immediate objective is to overcome the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. The project will be implemented through the following activities: • Selection and recruitment of the staff to provide services to overcome the effects of coronavirus- dispatcher, home assistants • Delivery of food, medicine; paying utility bills, requesting and receiving administrative services with funds of the users. • Ensuring the safe transportation of the staff providing social services to/ from users’ homes • Ensuring the safety of the person by providing personal protective equipment and disinfectants to the staff Deliveries of vital materials and supplies will be made to 42 users /seniors over 65 years with limitation or lack of self-care ability; people with disabilities and their families; employees of the Municipality; adults at risk/. The total cost of the project is BGN 68670.00

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 16 Mar, 2020
End date 28 Feb, 2021
Contract date 14 May, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 68,670.00
Grant 68,670.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 67,643.84
EU participation percent 85.0%
