Developing effective policies to respect the children rights

The project was developed in response to the need to improve the effectiveness of the State Agency for Child Protection with regard to the respect of the rights of the child and its active involvement in the decision-making process for the introduction and development of children's policies. The envisaged activities are aimed at studying and analyzing the protection system, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the child participation process on the formation of local and national policies related to children. The envisaged training for 100 employees will increase the professional competence for more effective and efficient implementation of the duties of the employees of State Agency for Child Protection, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Social Assistance Agency. The training is aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of implemented policies for children by all participants in the process. An analysis of the results of the study and of the process of child participation is envisaged in order to present it to the National Council for Child Protection for discussion and decision making on introducing the identified measures in the annual National Program for Child Protection. Information events will be held for information and communication to promote the project activities and the funding received from the program. The project proposal will assess the policies and achieve the objectives enshrined in the national legislation regulating the rights of the child in compliance with the basic principle - mutual cooperation in the work of the institutions and departments whose activity is related to the child care and creates suitable conditions for its development.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 22 May, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2020
Contract date 22 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 499,999.88
Grant 499,999.88
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 218,165.80
EU participation percent 85.0%
