The main objective of this project proposal is transfer of social innovation to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship in Bulgaria through transnational cooperation. The target group comprises a total of 160 persons wishing to start their own business and self-employed persons. The project will launch by the nomination of a project team and the distribution of tasks between its members. It will be followed by a study tour to explore and adapt the innovative model of organization of entrepreneurial training by the Italian partner with a focus on using the Internet and social networks. During the third activity BEF will increase its capacity to use social networks and ICT for the benefit of start-ups, the platform for entrepreneurs created within our previous project will be updated and improved. The following activities are aimed at the transfer of innovative practices - video course and training on entrepreneurship. In a separate activity we will disseminate project results through social networks and an information event. Due visualization will be provided throughout the whole project implementation. The achieved results will be evaluated by an external evaluator. As a result of the implementation of these activities we will transfer three innovative practices aimed at increasing the use of ICT for the benefit of start-up entrepreneurs: entrepreneurship training with a focus on using the Internet and social networks, video course in entrepreneurship and new approach in BEF for the use of ICT in favor of entrepreneurship. By transferring these practices we will meet the start-up enterpreneurs' need of easily accessible updated information on the administrative, accounting, legal, etc. requirements for starting a business, their need of building basic business skills on how to launch a business in the context of the dynamic IT environment and of increased use of ICT in general.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 03 Oct, 2017 |
End date | 31 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 03 Oct, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 168,251.20 |
Grant | 168,251.20 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 166,745.30 |
EU participation percent | 95.0% |