Design lab

The project aims to support the transnational cooperation between the Cluster for Education, Trainings and Qualifications and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in terms of exchange of experience, best practices and models for promoting self-employment, entrepreneurship and establishment of creative enterprises. The project focus will be on adaptation, validation and pilot implementation of innovative practices that have demonstrated outstanding results in other sectors/ countries, as well as on their smart integration. With the help of Designathon, the most suitable candidates will be selected to start their own business, and by the Design center they will be assisted in the development, prototyping, testing and marketing of their design ideas. The combination of the 2 practices will form a kind of incubator for freelancers and entrepreneurs in the field of design, applied arts and crafts (so called Design lab). The project implementation will allow the target group (designers, artists, photographers, craftsmen) to unleash their potential and create new jobs – both for themselves and for people with other professions to take on activities such as sales and marketing, manufacturing, logistics and/or others, required by the new Internet reality. In combination with the horizons offered by e-commerce (where vision plays a huge role), the representatives of the target group will get a real alternative to stay in Bulgaria, but to sell their products abroad. And turning problems into solutions, the lower labour costs in Bulgaria become competitive advantage. On the other hand, on the global market, the participants will be able to earn a decent income. Thus, the project will allow people who have the necessary skills and knowledge, or at least have the decisive ones, but who lack equipment, information and/or other specific support to realize their potential here and now.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 Oct, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 03 Oct, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 198,770.00
Grant 198,770.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 198,768.03
EU participation percent 95.0%
