"Cooperation for social integration of young people at risk"

The project "Cooperation for social integration of young people at risk" consistent with the objectives of the "Development of Human Resources" 2014- 2020 - to improve the quality of life of people in Bulgaria through targeted activities to work with young people at risk and support their social integration and personal development through which will assist the process of achieving high levels of employment among these groups and enhance their social inclusion. Activities and results of this project are to improve inter-regional and transnational cooperation between partners from member states of the EU, through the transfer and implementation of social innovation, best practices, peer approaches to finding solutions to common problems, build specific skills partnership in the following areas: - labor market and the quality of jobs; - social inclusion and combating poverty, health, equal opportunities and non-discrimination at work; - capacity building The implementation of the activities and results achieved will allow all interested organizations and institutions to use the experience of this project proposal, as well as to exchange ideas and plans for the best use of ESF assistance to overcome the problems of young people at risk. The project focus is on creating a stable and supportive environment for working with young people at risk through the promotion and implementation of European values ​​of social importance of the fight against social exclusion, political, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination. Specific objectives include: Promote transnational cooperation in terms of exchange of experience, best practices and models for the provision of socio-economic integration of marginalized communities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Dec, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 05 Oct, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 156,924.92
Grant 156,924.92
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 146,159.40
EU participation percent 95.0%
