“Interactive employment web portal for achieving sustainable employment for young people in the IT sector in Germany and Bulgaria”

Dynamically variable nature of modern labor markets establishes the need to plan long-term integration of unemployed young people up to 29 years. Their active and sustainable inclusion in the labor market is seen as a prerequisite for successful reduction in the perspective of the number of people living at risk of poverty or high dependence on social welfare systems. In the medium term reduction of unemployment among both those groups is a key factor for achieving the priorities for inclusion set out in the strategy "Europe 2020" and the basic principles of "National Strategy to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion 2020". This project proposal aims to create a suitable environment for access to employment for young people up to 29 years. by transfer of social innovation - employment web portal. Thus, the project proposal will give them a real opportunity to receive a proposal for remote operation in information technology (IT) sector in Germany. Participants in the portal should have at least higher education or students in bachelor degrees in the field of information technology (software engineers, programmers, developers and similar) Planned activities: 1. Organization and Management 2. Information and publicity 3. Identification and adaptation of social innovation 4. Develop a working interactive web portal 5. Preparation and implementation of an information strategy for the popularization of social innovation 6. Pilot testing of social innovation 7. Evaluation of results and potential impact of social innovation Expected results: - Plan for the development and promotion of employment web portal - Developed interactive employment web portal - Developed and conducted information strategy for the popularization of the employment web portal - Implemented pilot test of the functionality of the web portal - Implemented assess of the achieved results

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Nov, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 26 Sep, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 127,118.30
Grant 127,118.30
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 127,109.85
EU participation percent 95.0%
