"Social innovation, territory of youth entrepreneurship in rural areas of Bulgaria"

The activities in this project are focused on promoting transnational cooperation between partners from Bulgaria and Spain to identify, develop, pilot and implement social innovation among NEET youths from the rural areas of the two countries. Implementing social innovation aims to support entrepreneurship and promote self-employed young people in innovative economic niches with great public impact. To this end, an analysis of effective social practices in European countries will be made. On the basis of the analysis will be presented in detail the social innovations in the sphere of the circular economy and the creation of added value to the health tourism products and services. Partner teams will focus their joint work on the description of the main principles and methods for implementing both practices. They will make detailed definitions of the two innovative approaches. These definitions will serve to assess the opportunities for applying social practices in a new geographic context - rural territories from Bulgaria and Spain and NEET young people living in these areas. As a result of the activities, we expect two pilot models and innovative digital training tools to be developed. Pilot models and e-learning tools on phones and tablets of target groups. They will fully meet their needs and will be in line with the modern style and lifestyle of young people in modern times. To enhance the support of youth business initiatives, modern and innovative training methods and forms will be used in the new digital age. The results generated within the project will be multiplied by other stakeholders working in the field of youth entrepreneurship. The products and results are characterized by high availability and adaptability. They will help 200 young NEETs to develop new knowledge and skills to practice entrepreneurship.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Mar, 2019
End date 26 Apr, 2021
Contract date 26 Mar, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 168,387.33
Grant 168,387.33
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 98,238.25
EU participation percent 95.0%
