The proposal aims to investigate the experience of EU countries in increasing the employers’ motivation to hire and retain disabled people at work,as well as to develop new methods and policies for Bulgaria in relation to organizational and working conditions in enterprises to prevent working illnesses and disabilities.The developed social innovation and its pilot application contain the inclusion of all phases for the introduction of new practices-research,development,implementation and assessment.The project proposal is in range of IP 5:to adapt the workers and enterprises to changes and the EU requirements for socially responsible employers,improvement of working conditions for employed people,which in turn will reduce the risk of occupational disabilities and diseases and increase the number of employed people through inclusion of the persons with disabilities on the labour market.Partners go through a pilot development and introduction of an innovative practice aimed at employers to adapt and integrate people with disabilities in work environment and improvement of working conditions in enterprises,through which the risk factors leading to occupational disabilities and diseases will be avoided.With the social innovation aimed at the target groups (employees and employers) in four EU countries-Bulgaria,Belgium and Poland additional value is achieved through introduction of a product,which benefits the organizational improvement in enterprises and employees’ working conditions,their full physical,psychological and social welfare.The planned trainings and online platform based in social networks to attract employers and employees with disabilities across the country,stimulate communication and interconnection of all stakeholders,provide information from a legal and social point of view and is a prerequisite to formulate sustainable company policies oriented towards the implementation of good practices for the realization of the disabled on the labor market.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 Dec, 2018 |
End date | 31 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 07 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 182,403.63 |
Grant | 182,403.63 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 165,953.63 |
EU participation percent | 95.0% |