The project focuses on the integration of people with physical and mental and / or mental disabilities into the labor market or the working social economy and employed in institutions and organizations related to social entrepreneurship The project proposal promotes the development, transfer and implementation of social innovation based on innovative corporate models implemented in Belgium and Bulgaria. The project envisages the preparation of a Comparative Analysis of the National Frameworks and Legal Methods to Support the Employment Opportunities of Representatives of the Target Groups in Bulgaria and Belgium, Analysis of the needs of people with physical and mental and / or mental disabilities and Analysis the methods used to introduce specific incentives and adapt business management and conditions in the work environment. Joint partnership actions, meetings and study visits are planned. Project products, outputs and deliverable: - Best practices for hiring and retaining people with disabilities - Manual for employers in hiring people with disabilities - Coaching concept of employers - E-learning tool - Resource center for empowerment in the field of social economy, which will provide training and counseling The main socioeconomic task is the full integration of the target groups, particularly those with mental and mental disabilities, temporary or permanent, into the labor market. The project proposal meets the requirements to improve inter-regional and transnational cooperation between partners from EU Member States through transfer and implementation of social innovations in the field of promoting social entrepreneurship and professional integration in social enterprises and promoting social and solidarity economy to facilitate access to employment.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 02 Jan, 2019 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2021 |
Contract date | 21 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 128,767.27 |
Grant | 128,767.27 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 17,941.13 |
EU participation percent | 95.0% |