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The aim of the project is to provide support for maintaining the employment of employees in enterprises that have directly ceased ec.activity as a result of imposed restrict. measures against the spread of COVID-19 by an act of a state authority.The compensat. will be provided by the order of the Council of Ministers №325/26.11.2020 for determ. the terms and cond. for paym. of compensat. to workers and employees,insured in ec.activities, for which temporary restrict. have been imposed in the period of declared state of emerg. or declared state of emerg.epidemic situation amended and supplem. with a Decree of the Council of Ministers №418/30.12.2020.The right to receive compensat. have workers and employees who use unpaid leave under Art.160,para1 or Art.173a,para2 of the Labor Code and are insured in ec.activities, approved by an order of the MLSP. Applicat. for compensat. are eligible to cover the period from the date of issuance of the order for unpaid leave, but not earlier than 29.10.2020 and not later than 31.03.2021.The project will provide an opportunity to pay compensat. to at least 33000 employees from ec. activities falling within the scope of Council of Ministers №325/2020 amended and supplemented with a Decree of the Council of Ministers №418/30.12.2020.The project will also provide indirect support to the affected employers to maintain the employment of their employees, help. to speed up their recovery after the abolition of the imposed measures.In order to achieve the goal of the project, the implement. of the activity "Support for employers through compensat. in order to maintain the employment of employees in enterprises operating in an economic sector directly affected by the cessation of economic activity as a result of anti-epid. measures against the spread of COVID-19 with an act of a state body” will be implemented.Along with it,inform. and communic. activities,as well as project organization and management will be implemented under the project.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 10 Dec, 2020
End date 10 Jan, 2022
Contract date 10 Dec, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 49,999,999.92
Grant 49,999,999.92
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 9,999,999.98
EU participation percent 100.0%

