Initiatives for implementation of the 12 principles for good governance of the Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level of the Council of Europe

According to the Strategy for Development of Public Administration 2014-2020, it is essential to make efforts to estab. an effective system for monitoring the implem. of policies and legisl. process and regulat. Integrated initiatives for regular assessment of the quality of serv. received by citizens and businesses are encouraged.Contribution to achieving this goal gives the implem. of the Strategy for Innovation and Good Governance at Local Level (SIGGLL) of the CE.The main instrum. of the strategy is awarding the Label of Innov. and Good govern. at the Local level to those municipalities that have proven that they respect all 12 principles of good govern. of SIGGLL.From 2011 to date have been conducted 3 procedures for the Awarding of the Label and the interest of the munic. increases with each subsequent procedure.The implem. of the project aims at promoting and widespread applic. by the BG local authorities of the 12 principles set out in SIGGLL.By increasing the number of munic. that have adopted and apply the principles of good govern. it will be created conditions for improv. of local govern. in the country.Thus, for some munic. applying SIDMA will raise the quality of local public serv.Along with specific actions in awarding the Label for the 4 time in BG is envisaged to extend the field of applic. of SIGGLL as by sharing best practices among munic. also by performing a detailed analysis of the regulatory environment (national legislation) related to the applic. of the principles of democratic govern. in accordance with the SIGGLL, includ. drawing conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for impr. the regulatory environment. An analysis of the implem. of SIGGLL will be carried out and activities will be planned for effective implem. As a result of the project will be: - Promoted 12 principles for good governance at local level - Created institutional preconditions for good governance at local level - Disseminated good practices at the local level

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 Jan, 2017
End date 30 Jun, 2019
Contract date 03 Jan, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 145,747.00
Grant 145,747.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 131,348.23
EU participation percent 85.0%
