1. Main goal: ■The main goal of the project is improvement of the specialized knowledge and skills of SCCEM employees 2. Specific goals: ■Improvement of the specialized knowledge and skills of SCCEM employees through organisation and conduct of specialised training courses directly related to the specific activity of the SCCEM ■Increasing the institutional capacity and efficiency of the SCCEM and achieving better control and management 3. Main activities - organization and conduct of specialized training courses as follows: ■Origin, membership, organization and management of the activities of international commodity exchanges ■Features of commodity exchanges for standardization and unification of transaction procedures. Types of transactions at commodity exchanges. Procedure for Real Delivery Transactions, Forward and Futures Transactions, Optional Transactions. Rights and obligations of counterparties in different types of transactions ■Place and role of international commodity exchanges in global economy and trade ■Types of exchange systems - information, communication, registration, clearing, bidding, expert-valuation, qualification, etc. commodity exchange systems. Voluntary Commodity Arbitration ■Specifics of regional economy. Characteristics and development perspectives of wholesale exchange trading ■Spatial structure, organization and interconnections of producer markets, marketplaces and autonomous sites by regions. Specifics of regional market mechanisms 4. Main outcomes: ■Improvement of the specialized knowledge and skills of SCCEM employees ■The organisation and successful conduct of five specialized training courses directly related to the specific activity of the SCCEM ■Increased capacity of SCCEM employees ■Competent and effective public administration through management and development of human resources ■Modernisation of working procedures in the SCCEM ■Increasing consumer satisfaction though the provision of quality services
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 04 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 04 Jul, 2019 |
Contract date | 04 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 104,781.60 |
Grant | 104,781.60 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 95,658.15 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |