Improvement of the professional competences of the employees in the territorial units of the General Directorate for Execution of Sentences through the implementation of specialized trainings for acquaintance with current trends in penitentiary social work (GDIN - 3)

The current project proposal includes specialized training for 2 target groups: inspectors social activities and educational work (SAEW) in prisons and prison dormitories and probation inspectors in prisons. In order to improve the quality of social work in prisons, it is necessary to enrich the knowledge of modern approaches in this activity in accordance with the European standards of treatment of prisoners. The main task of inspectors SAEW and the probation inspectors is to provide opportunities to prisoners by providing them with a wide range of forms of group-dynamic training that are purposed against the criminal behavior and personality traits that foster the latter. One of these forms are the specialized programs for individual and group work with offenders, which are implemented by the inspectors. These programs aim to: 1. motivate and promote lawful behavior; 2. enhance social competence and build behavioral skills; 3. overcome dependencies. The impact programs are a form of professional intervention aimed at changing the behavior of the convicted person, and the employees who implement them need to have the necessary skills to do so, namely targeting convicts in specific programs, tailored to the profile of registered needs and to work towards changing the behavior of the persons involved in the programs. In accordance with these functions and activities, under this project proposal, 1 specialized training will be conducted for the two target groups for acquaintance with current trends in penitentiary social work. The training will be attended by 90 employees from the territorial units of the General Directorate "Execution of Sentences" . The individual group courses will be carried in the place of employment or outside the settlement. At the end of the course, all students will receive a certificate for the specialized training.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Jun, 2020
End date 31 Dec, 2021
Contract date 30 Jun, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 197,004.96
Grant 197,004.96
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

