The project aims to improve the monitoring and evaluation of the policies implemented by the Municipality of Sliven, as well as to create opportunities for increased participation of civil society in governance. The project objectives correspond to Strategic Objective 2 of OP “Good Governance” - “Partnership Management with Citizens and Business” and Strategic Objective 3 “Open and Responsible Governance”. The project is related to research, analysis and recommendations for the work of the Municipality - Sliven, good European practices, model related to improving civic participation in policy formulation and implementation, civic monitoring of the administration, public hearings on public issues for the municipality topics, initiatives or documents, wide information campaign to disseminate the results. Target groups of the project are: employees of the Municipality of Sliven, NGOs, business organizations, citizens. The activities will contribute to: increasing the interaction between the administration and the citizens; analysis of opinions and recommendations of citizens, NGOs, business and local authorities for the work of the Municipality of Sliven; studied the attitudes of the employees of the Municipality of Sliven to improve the dialogue with the citizens; developed a model for improving civic participation in policy making at the local level, improving the work of the administration; improved public image of the Municipality of Sliven.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2022 |
End date | 09 Aug, 2023 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2022 |
Financial information
Total cost | 59,572.80 |
Grant | 59,572.80 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |