Municipal Companies in Action - Inventory, Analysis and Recommendations for Better Governance

Local authorities are entrusted with the mission of providing a wide range of public services. This is often done through municipal companies (MCs). Towards the end of 2021, there are divergent practices in the creation, management, control and transparency of the MCs. In 2019, the Law on Public Enterprises was adopted and despite the insufficiently effective tools provided in it, it provides more opportunities for monitoring and involving civil society in monitoring the work of the municipal administration. The main project activities are: 1. Legal analysis of the changes introduced by the Law on Public Enterprises, concerning the management, monitoring and reporting of MCs. It will support local authorities, the media, municipal councilors, NGOs at the local level; 2. Preparation of a database of all MCs by the end of 2021 - will be the most complete, freely accessible database; 3. Review, selection and analysis of the activity of the MCs in 4 diverse municipalities for the last 4 completed financial years 4. Recommendations to the municipalities for improving the management, monitoring, control and reporting of the MCs 5. Current brief commentaries on the topic. The main target groups are all 266 municipalities and their administration; NGOs working at the local level; the public, including the media, which monitors and covers the work of the MCs; citizens as users of these services, but also as taxpayers who expect effective local government. The project activities include 4 analysis, recommendations for municipalities and an online event. The project will support the provision of quality local services by the municipal government; will help increase trust in the NGO sector at the local level; will support control over the implementation of local policies; and will empower citizens, media and NGOs in their monitoring, analysis and advocacy activities for better municipal services.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 26 Jul, 2022
End date 26 Jul, 2023
Contract date 26 Jul, 2022
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 59,806.00
Grant 59,806.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

