Citizen participation for better Judicial system

EU reports and various sociological polls in Bulgaria over recent years have clearly shown the need for reform of the judiciary. Length of cases, large number of failed cases, poor or lack of cooperation between the judiciary and the executive (police, investigations, prosecutors and judges), corruption, distrust of the judiciary, insufficient knowledge of alternative dispute resolution methods and approaches to restorative justice are all issues that need to be addressed by the reform of the judiciary. With this project proposal, the H and D Gender Perspectives Foundation plans to include representatives of the court, prosecution, investigations, probation services, NGOs, businesses and citizens who will be given the opportunity to submit their opinions and recommendations regarding the reform of the judiciary. The main objectives of the present project are to carry out civil control and monitoring of the work of the judiciary at district and regional court level in the territory of the Haskovo district, collecting and analyzing proposals for improvements in the judicial system and promoting judicial mediation and rehabilitation justice. The Foundation plans to realize its goals through three main activities. The first is civil monitoring of the judiciary through public opinion polling; poll among citizens who are parties to cases; research among representatives of the judiciary and the executive; work in focus groups. The collected information will be analyzed and summarized in a White Book on Good Practices and Deficits in the Judicial System. The second activity is introduction of alternative methods of dispute resolution and restorative justice approaches to target groups. The final activity is to provide publicity of the project and the grant of OP "Good Governance".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 14 Sep, 2017
End date 15 Dec, 2018
Contract date 14 Sep, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 99,427.10
Grant 99,427.10
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 99,100.58
EU participation percent 85.0%
