Sliven District information point

The general aim of this project is to ensure the functioning of the Sliven District information point and to continue the implementation of the following activities: raising public awareness and access to information, promotion of the opportunities, provided by the EU programming period 2014-2020 in Sliven region and showing the best practices in relation with ESIF. Through the already functioning Sliven DIP, the project will implement its specific objectives: to promote the programs funded by ESIF, as a financial instrument for better development and improvement of the quality of life in the region of Sliven; to inform potential beneficiaries about current funding opportunities, provided by the programs, financed by the ESIF; to increase the capacity of beneficiaries and encourage them to apply under the operational programs; to provide access to information for citizens from the four municipalities in Sliven region about the objectives, methods and funding opportunities of ESIF in Bulgaria; to ensure the right to fair and full access to information about funding opportunities for all social, ethnic and age groups; to collect and disseminate information and promote best practices in relation to the ESIF. The objectives will be achieved through implementation of activities such as: organizing and conducting at least 60 public information events in municipalities and other settlements in the area; meetings with the media and other target groups; participation of Sliven DIP in three joint initiatives of the Network; development and distribution of five types of printed and audiovisual information materials - videos, puzzles, two types of leaflets and flyers. Activities will contribute to achieving Specific Objective 3 of Priority Axis 4: "Technical assistance for the management of ESIF" OP "Good Governance" 2014- 2020 and the objectives of the National Communication Strategy of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Dec, 2015
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 01 Mar, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 315,000.00
Grant 315,000.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 310,621.04
EU participation percent 85.0%
