The overall objective of the project is: "Increasing knowledge and improving the skills of farmers and employees on their farms by achieving an adequate level of economic training and increasing the capacity to access agricultural knowledge and information" To achieve it, the following specific objectives have been formulated: SC1: To increase knowledge and improve the skills of farmers and employees on their farms by conducting training courses for farmers and employees on their farms - a long-term course in the professional field "Crop and animal husbandry", profession " Farmer ", specialty" Farmer "- 12 long-term courses with a minimum duration of 150 hours, each for 30 persons CC 2: Conducting a seminar on "Transfer of Knowledge for a Sustainable Rural Economy" to farmers and employees on their farms 6 seminars with a minimum duration of 8 hours each for 60 people. These objectives will be achieved through the following activities: 1. Conducting a long-term course in the professional field "Crop and animal husbandry", profession "Farmer", specialty "Farmer" - 12 long-term courses with a minimum duration of 150 hours, each for 30 persons 2. Conducting 6 seminars on “Transfer of knowledge for a sustainable rural economy” with a minimum duration of 8 hours each for 60 persons Through this project: - will contribute to the competitiveness and resource efficiency of farmers, - the environmental performance of farmers' farms will be improved, - the skills of the employees of the company and of one unemployed / inactive person will be improved, in accordance with the current needs of the business, - will support a sustainable rural economy.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
End date | 15 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 21,960.00 |
Grant | 21,960.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |