With the present project proposal and implementation of the activities in it, “Stil-Altandzhiyan” LTD would like to contribute straight for achieving the aims of “Rural Development Programme” 2014-2020 for increasing the competitive power and balance development of the agriculture and insure stable management for the natural resources and the activities, about the climate with thematic teaching in five priority spheres. The project proposal includes courses and seminars teaching about agricultural farmers. 1. Courses for teaching are in frame program “D” part of the profession “Farmer” with the following thematic purposes: - “Farming” with duration of 30 educational hours; - “Work with products for plant safety of professional category usage” with duration of 32 educational hours; 2. Seminars about agricultural farmers with the following thematic purposes: - “Agroecology” with duration of 18 educational hours; - “Organic farming” with duration of 18 educational hours; - “Environmental protection ” with duration of 8 educational hours; The aim groups for teaching agricultural farmers fit the following requirements: - little farmers approved by the Thematic subprogramme for helping little farmers as per “Rural Development Programme” 2014-2022; and/or - are young agricultural farmers or are approved by subprogramme 6.1 from “Rural Development Programme” 2014-2022; Centre for professional teaching “Stil-Altandzhiyan”EOOD licensed in National Agency for Vacational Education and Training with licensing number 2012121012, will carry out courses and seminars. “Stil-Altandzhiyan” LTD is allowed to teach for professions from professional direction 621 “Plant-growing and farming”, and the Center has license for it.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 24 Feb, 2021 |
End date | 15 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 24 Feb, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 37,800.00 |
Grant | 37,800.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |