Sustainable ecosystem management through implementation of monitoring and biological control methods

Eco-friendly plant protection methods are needed to reduce environmental pollution, protect biodiversity, overcome pest resistance and produce clean agricultural products, as well as the increasingly important role of digitalization in agriculture. Main target groups: farmers and organic farmers. The results will also benefit students, agricultural scientists, agronomists, environmentalists, PPP traders and consultants. Main goals: optimizing pest-management through environmental approaches and ecosystem services - monitoring, beneficial insects, mechanical control; development of a web application for identifying, monitoring and managing the most common economically important pests of the respective crops by non-chemical means. Expected results: Introduce 3 types of beneficials, which will increase biodiversity, create favorable conditions for the use of ecosystem services, reduce the risk of developing resistance in pests, reduce the use of pesticides and residues in production, protect water from pesticide contamination and minimize the risk of bee poisoning; new light trap models and "flower mimicry" designs will improve observations on the occurrence and population dynamics of insects and improve control stages and methods; a web platform developed to quickly identify the most common enemies of the respective crops and management options. The following activities are envisaged: analysis of the methods applied so far for the management of pests and development of monitoring methodologies; development and implementation of new models of traps and traps for monitoring and fighting specific enemies; implementation of a web platform; introduction of three beneficials; dissemination of information via a website, leaflets for bioagents; organizing events to demonstrate the results.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 21 Dec, 2020
End date 01 Sep, 2023
Contract date 21 Dec, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 642,056.27
Grant 592,241.29
Self finance 49,814.98
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


South Central (BG42)