In recent years, there have been many factors that have had a negative impact, both directly and indirectly on agriculture, such as: - Increasing the cost of primary production of agricultural products; - Increasing the use of various fertilizers, reducing the quality of production and destroying soils. For this reason, the project addresses several major issues - reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, improving the quality of production, reducing the negative impact on soil and increasing yield, by applying biostimulants, as a powerful biotechnological tool to enhance growth and productivity of plants while minimizing chemical inputs and negative impacts on agroecosystems. The project aims to develop biostimulants to increase yields in an environmentally friendly way and to conduct field trials of 3 types of crops - barley, wheat and hazelnut, through the operational team of the task force. The project is based on research and observations that biostimulants applied in the critical stages of vegetation, at the right dose, stimulate crop productivity to a degree dependent on species and variety, improve tolerance against environmental stressors and increase the economic efficiency of the crop. production structure. An innovation of the proposal is the development of technology for application of sample preparations with integrated stimulating and protective activity, developed on the basis of complex compositions of biostimulants of different origin: biologically active macromolecules, humic and microbial extracts, which is a prerequisite for the creation of environmentally effective fertilizers from biological material, exceeding existing market alternatives by a range of indicators by 5 to 25% across crops. The application of the developed biostimulants is targeted at all crops throughout the country.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
End date | 01 Sep, 2023 |
Contract date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 193,264.94 |
Grant | 191,882.61 |
Self finance | 1,382.33 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |