Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iskar street, Aheloy town

Through the investments in the implementation of the proposed project rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iskar street, Aheloy town will be carried out.The network of streets on the territory of Pomorie Municipality plays a key role in the life of local residents as it secures transport connectivity and access to main social services, benefits the developing of the tourism and also boosts the attractiveness level for investments which leads to improvement of the quality of life and economic development in the populated place. Main objectives: Improving the transport connectivity and acces to services in the populated places outside the municipal center of Pomorie Municipality; Limiting disproportions in the territorial distribution of the population and depopulation of rural areas; Improving the quality and the exploatation condition of the road infrastructure in Pomorie Municipality; Tourism developing throughout improving the transport connectivity to the objects of natural and cultural heritage on the territory of Pomorie Municipality; Boosting the attractiveness of the populated place Aheloy town, Pomorie Municipality; Improving the quality of life in the populated place Aheloy town, Pomorie Municipality; Stimulating the social inclusion and the economic development on the territory of Local Action Group Pomorie. Results: improved health and social services due to improved mobility of the population to institutions, increased safety and comfort during travel, improved access to educational services, good and quick access to the workforce of the economically active population, improved transport conditions through improved transport connectivity and renewal of road infrastructure; Improved life quality in the populated place Aheloy town, Pomorie Municipality; Activities: Execution of construction and assembly works; Exercise of construction supervision; Exercise of author's supervision.

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Status Contracted
Start date 02 Sep, 2021
End date 30 Jun, 2023
Contract date 02 Sep, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 283,151.94
Grant 283,151.94
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), South-East (BG34), Burgas (BG341), Pomorie, Aheloy