"Modernization of the physical capital and application of innovative technologies on the farm of" Elite C2 "Ltd. Popovo"

The investment proposal will contribute to the implementation of the main strategic objective for development of the local initiative group Popovo, namely: "Stimulating local economic development for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in order to achieve a more balanced sustainable development of the rural territory of the LAG - Population 2020 ", PRIORITY 1: Improving the competitiveness of agricultural and forestry holdings and the processing industry and promoting innovative technologies in this sector; SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.1: Supporting the modernization and technological upgrading of farms and the processing industry and promoting innovative technologies in these sectors. The investment proposal of the applicant is in line with the objective of Measure 4.1 of the Framework Program for the Ministry of the Environment and Water for the territory of the LAG - Popovo: "Improving the competitiveness and viability of agricultural holdings through modernization of physical capital and application of innovative technologies". The applicant through the implementation of the project will increase its competitiveness as a farmer. The new capacities will increase sales revenue by reducing the cost of production and improving its quality. The investment intentions amount to BGN 346,498.00 excluding VAT and include the purchase of: • Tractor brand CLAAS, model AXION 850 CEBIS • GPS PILOT EGNOS, model Terminal S7 • Compact disc harrow brand AMAZONE, model Catros + 6002-2 folding

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Status Contracted
Start date 16 Feb, 2021
End date 16 Feb, 2023
Contract date 16 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 345,899.07
Grant 172,949.53
Self finance 172,949.54
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
