Our Chitalishte - a difference between past, present and future.

"PRAVDA-2010 GORSKI SENOVETS" is applying with the present project proposal for preservation of the local cultural heritage. Against the backdrop of the increasing depopulation of villages, traditional knowledge, skills and customs, rural cultural identity is seriously threatened. This requires action to preserve and preserve the cultural heritage. In the preparation of the project, the idea was widely discussed and supported by the members of the community center . This project will preserve and promote the intangible cultural and historical heritage of the village by developing and applying modern forms and ways. The implementation of the project will enable young people to get acquainted with the history of the settlement. We have planned to collect and process documentary and public material and, after editing, to produce "History of Forest Senovec". We have included a survey of local customs. Within the framework of the project we will prepare a presentation of one of the forgotten customs "Drenkata". In organizing the presentation we will include children and young people with disabilities visiting the day center in the village as well as young people and children from the village. This will bring them to the local traditions. On the show we will invite many guests from the municipality and beyond, as well as the residents of the village. We will make and postpone posters in the village and the municipality for the announcement of the events. For information, a site will be created at the Chitalishte, where all the information about the project and the electronic version of the "History" of the village and the folk custom will be published. In carrying out the custom, we will also produce a rich photographic material that will be reflected in a leaflet containing text material and photographs. The leaflet and the site will serve us to present our village At the end of the project, we will make an information meeting.

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Status Contracted
Start date 18 Jan, 2021
End date 30 Jun, 2023
Contract date 18 Jan, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 19,995.00
Grant 19,995.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
