Traditional food and traditional processing food methods are part of the cultural heritage of each settlement, region and country. They are a sign of ethnic and social affiliation, the lifestyle, the occupation and the material state of the people of the past and today. In this aspect territory of the MIG Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa is rich in historical heritage and cultural diversity, one of the important traditions being related to nutrition, traditional food, processing of food and raw materials. The theme of food and nutrition covers multi-layered issues and over the last decades has been the subject of outstanding scientific interest in a number of EU countries because we live at a time when most Europeans have their fast food and a variety of soft drinks and etc., and rarely or almost never with traditional foods. With this unification and loss of traditional food and traditional meals, local communities are increasingly losing their intangible heritage. In response to these challenges, the Youth"for development of Lyaskovets" Association developed the present project to support the study and preservation of food and nutrition traditions on the territory of the MIG Lyaskovets-Strazhitsa in order to ensure their preservation and transfer to the next generations through application of the most up-to-date digital technologies and to improve the quality of life and increase the tourist potential of the region. Term of execution: 21 months Activities: Activity 1. Press conference; Activity 2. Ethnographic survey; Action3. Mobile app for smartphone "Our dishes" Activity 4. Virtual Exhibition. Territorial coverage: all settlements on the territory of MIG Lyaskovets - Strazhitsa. The project proposal is in line with the VOMS strategy, MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF LIOSKOVETS MUNICIPALITY 2014-2020 and MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF MUNICIPALITY STRATZICA 2014-2020.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 19 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 19 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 19 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 19,900.00 |
Grant | 19,900.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |