Purchase of equipment and facilities for the modernization of the winery

The main purpose of the project is implementation of new and modernization of technological powers in a winery “Villa Basarea” in the town of Harmanli, ownership of “Thracian wine” OOD , which will lead to increasing of the competitiveness of the enterprise. The mission of the company is to produce and offer excellent wines, made by special technology from the recipe of one of the best master-winemakers in the region. These wines have excellent flavor characteristics, made of ripe grapes and consistent with the traditional taste of the Bulgarians. The capacity of the winery is foreseen to increase by at least 20%, with a minimum of 90,000 tons of grapes being processed from 76,000 tons of grapes after the invasion. The company has concluded preliminary contracts with agricultural producers – popular local wine growers - mainly from the villages of Izvorovo and Kolarovo, from which grapes for processing will be delivered. In the project is planned to be bought, in addition to technological and laboratory equipment, which will also increase the quality of production. It is also planned to be provided computer equipment with appropriate software, necessary for organizing the commercial and warehouse activities of the company. After implementation of the investment “Thracian wine” intends to produce 46,800 liters of high-quality white and red wine in the first year, gradually increasing the production to a minimum of 54 thousand liters at the end of the 5-year forecast period. Costs for consultancy service are included in the project for preparation and management, as well as expenses for advertising-information materials, related to the marketing of products. By realizing the investment, there will be created an additional four jobs. Total value of the investment is BGN 142813,76, and term for execution for the project activities is 18 months.

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Status Contracted
Start date 28 Sep, 2020
End date 28 Sep, 2022
Contract date 28 Sep, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 142,813.76
Grant 67,893.50
Self finance 74,920.26
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
