"MuzAtelie" - cultural information and creative room for preservation , development and popularization of cultural herritage and Bulgarian crafts in Trud village.

Culture centre Svetlina - 1929 - Trud village was founded in 1929 and has been workinng for almost 90 years. It, as well as all community centers on the territory of Maritza municipality, are centers of local amateur activity, guardians of traditions, customs and Bulgarian folklore. More than 1929 years behind the walls of the community center, built in 1929, the center's board members and its amateurs have been keepping the local customs, crafts, folklore, cultural values, authentic household items, etc. Today the centre continues its vital activities and seeks opportunities to adapt to the needs of modern people and at the same time seeks to preserve and transmit ancient Bulgarian crafts, traditions and customs, thus preserving and enriching the cultural heritage of the village. The centre follows its mission as a public institution that performs educational and enlightenment functions and activities. The project has one main task directly related to the mission of the centre: To preserve, develop, present and promote the cultural heritage of the village in a modern and attractive way so as to enrich the knowledge and awakens the interest of children, young people, parents, pensioners, residents of the village of Trud and guests from Maritsa Municipality and beyond. At a time of technology, global communications, and countless new attractive ways of gathering information, a forgotten but little precious cultural heritage - Shadow Lace - a handsome but forgotten Bulgarian maneuver that has been done in the village. In order not to remain forever forgotten, the current project sets out specific goals and activities to preserve, develop and present this cultural heritage in a way that is adequate to our present day by creating of "MuzAtelie" - cultural information and creative room for preservation , development and popularization of cultural herritage and Bulgarian crafts in Trud village.

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Status Contracted
Start date 05 Dec, 2019
End date 05 Feb, 2021
Contract date 05 Dec, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 19,880.40
Grant 19,880.40
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
