"Conservation of Local Identity of Rakovski Municipality"

The Club for Creative Development has set itself the task of preserving and preserving the cultural and historical heritage as a specific and integral part of the local spirituality, the catholic root and in this connection undertook actions for the issuance of two necessary products for the preservation of the cultural and religious traditions of the the local population of Rakovski municipality - a book promoting the intangible cultural heritage and an author's map presenting the cultural and historical heritage of the town of Rakovski. At the end of the project is planned to organize and conduct a conference for presentation of the book and the project. The duration of the activities is 6 months.

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Status Contracted
Start date 05 Jan, 2021
End date 05 Jan, 2023
Contract date 05 Jan, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 33,488.00
Grant 33,488.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
