"The Costume - an outward appearance of tradition, lifestyle and culture". Production of folk costumes."

The Lyceum Prosveta is an example of a sustainable cultural institution with a specific mission for preservation and development of the traditional values ​​of the nation.With its multilateral activities,the lyceum develops and enriches the cultural life of the inhabitants of the village of Belozem.It maintains amateur ensembles-female, male and children a dance group, a singing and piano school,and a group of actors.The lyceum attracts small and large with its constant activities.The project "Outward appearance of tradition,lifestyle and culture"is related to the main activity of the lyceum.The idea of ​​the project is aimed at preserving and developing local folklore,cultural relations between generations and education in a spirit of patriotism and human morality.This activity includes the popularization of the local artistic performing art.With the present project proposal we will build the project by studying with the folklore group at the lyceum the preserved folk folklore heritage.We will organize a concert where for the first time songs "in the past,will be heard on the lyceum scene.The project will involve people of different ages, sex and religion.The envisaged activities for implementation in the project proposal fully meet the needs of the lyceum in Belozem,while the project has a high public interest due to the active cultural life of all the community members.For the good quality of the cultural product of this project, we plan to buy 20 female,male,45 Thracian children's costumes with elements from the local authentic costume.The event is significant for the local community because we will popularize local song art,make it recognizable in the global space and strengthen cultural intergenerational relationships.With this measure we will attract new audiences and new people looking for a scene for self-expression of their talents and talents.We will popularize the project activities with modern means of communication and advertising-Internet and others.

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Status Contracted
Start date 18 Aug, 2020
End date 18 Aug, 2022
Contract date 18 Aug, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 22,023.04
Grant 22,023.04
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
