"An Alley of Patriotism"

While we are paying tribute to the Historic leaders of the Bulgarian nation, we do not forget the local patriots, who had worked wholeheartedly and unselfishly to protect the national identity, religion, language and traditions in the village of Belozem. The school "Geo Milev" is the first institution created in Belozem. We celebrated 170 years from the foundation of the school in 2015. Thousands of students have graduated the school. They keep the spirit of patriotism and pass it to future generations. The idea behind the project proposal is building an alley of patriotism, which consists of national and local patriots, who have enriched the history of Bulgaria and our village, this would help us keep and protect the national identity. The alley will be built on the grass in the school yard. The images will be engraved on granite monuments. There will be a short text under each image. When somebody passes through the alley, he will see on one side - five national heroes, and on the other side - five local heroes. The chosen national heroes are: Paisius of Hilendar, Hristo Botev, Vasil Levski, Ivan Vazov and Geo Milev. The chosen local heroes are Nikola Belchov, Peyo Kurkchiyata, heroes from the First and the Second Balkan wars, the First and the Second World Wars, and pastor Mariush Polcin, who had contributed for the cultural development of the village for 20 years.

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Status Contracted
Start date 19 Feb, 2020
End date 19 Feb, 2022
Contract date 19 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 12,640.80
Grant 12,640.80
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
