Promotion of the cultural and historical heritage on the territory of the village Stryama and Rakovski municipality, by preserving and preserving the local identity

The project "Promotion of the cultural and historical heritage on the territory of the village of Stryama and the municipality of Rakovski by preserving and preserving the local identity" is related to the main activity of the University "Buditel" at Otets Paisiy High School, Stryama village as a connection between different generations and their cultural identity. The idea of ​​the project is aimed at preserving and developing local folklore, cultural relations between generations and education in the spirit of patriotism and human morality.This activity includes the popularization of local artistic performing art, such as the participation of students in various cultural events and the production of photo material as part of the cultural heritage of the village of Stryama and the municipality of Rakovski. Currently we collect and record information on local lifestyle and culture, separate tools and photos. With this project proposal, we will build on what has been achieved here by exploring the folklore heritage preserved today. We will organize pupils' participation in cultural events at various festivals and concerts. The project will involve people of different ages, gender and religion.The envisaged implementation activities in the project proposal are fully in line with the needs of the "Buditel" University of Economics in Stryama, while the project has a high public interest due to the active cultural life of all community members. For the good quality of the cultural product of this project we plan to buy 6 female Thracian costumes and 6 males with elements of the local authentic costume; to create drawings for the photo material, to produce flag and sound and lighting equipment.By improving and upgrading the facilities, we will provide better conditions for the development of school activities and the living fire of the traditions. The project will involve people of different ages, gender and religion.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 31 Aug, 2020
End date 31 Aug, 2022
Contract date 31 Aug, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 5,438.00
Grant 5,438.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
