Modernization of an ambulatory for individual practice for primary medical care in the town of Harmanli

Dr. Papazyan is a general practitioner from the town of Harmanli, who has revealed an ambulatory for individual practice for primary medical care in the town of Harmanli, located at 4 Bratya Miladinovi Str, in a land property with ID number 77181. 10.186 on a cadastral map of the city. The main business code of his company, according to KID-2008 is: 86.21 " General Practitioners' Activities". His private medical establishment is registered in the register of RZI Haskovo, and Dr. Papazyan is registered in Regional Medical College Haskovo and has a contract with the RZOK. To be more competitive in a fast-growing health services market Dr Papazyan wishes to buy the following equipment for his doctor's office: - Stationary digital echograph 1pc.; Transducers - Abdominal and Cardiac- 1pc.; Holter for ECG and blood pressure - 1pc; - Desktop Computer Configuration - 1pc; Monitor-1pc; Copier, printer, scanner-1pc. Newly purchased equipment will meet the most up-to-date requirements, with modern technical parameters, so that Dr. Papazyan's medical practice can offer advanced specialized medical, diagnostic and counseling activities. This will mostly affect the quality of the offered health services, the cabinet will be preferred by patients not only from Harmanli, but also from other settlements in the area. Total project cost is 30650,29lv. To work with the above-described highly specialized equipment, 1 new workplace will be opened. Project activities will be implemented within 12 months.

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Status Contracted
Start date 05 Apr, 2022
End date 05 Apr, 2024
Contract date 05 Apr, 2022
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,052.39
Grant 10,537.30
Self finance 18,515.09
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, South-West and South Central Bulgaria (BG4), South Central (BG42), Haskovo (BG422), Harmanli, Harmanli