"Purchase of agricultural equipment for growing of walnuts and plums and creation of new organic perennials - sour and fiesta"

ZP Elif Ibrqmova Djemalova has applied for the purchase of specialized equipment for the cultivation of bio walnuts, organic plums, organic sour cherries and bio fiesta. The investment intentions of the applicant amount to BGN 139 424.81, with the current project being expected to amount to 70% of the investment intentions. Project investments include farm innovations through the introduction of a new production process, namely the purchase of new equipment and the creation of organic perennials - sour cherries and fistula.

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Status Contracted
Start date 31 May, 2021
End date 30 Jun, 2023
Contract date 31 May, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 106,580.38
Grant 63,948.22
Self finance 42,632.16
Total paid 54,912.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), South-East (BG34), Sliven (BG342), Kotel, Yablanovo