Modernization of an existing factory for processing fruits and vegetables

The project proposal is related to modernization and optimization of the production capacity, saving of raw materials and materials, improvement of the safety and protection of the environment in Vassilev and Todorov OOD. An investment proposal will be made at an object in the town of Samokov, which is the property of the applicant. The company is known under the brand "KOMPIRE" and is registered as a processor in NVS. The existing enterprise is supplied with raw material from local farmers, where it purchases the produced produce with the contracts. It has a large and modern base that meets all requirements and standards. The plant has a system allowing the quality control of the production and guaranteeing traceability of each batch produced. The investment plan will modernize the reprocessing organization by using new, more energy-efficient and resource efficient, more productive machines and facilities that will not negatively affect the environment. The envisaged new packing machine is entirely aimed at environmental protection. The company has signed contract with Ecobulpack to replenish packaging waste. An effective and sustainable collective system for separate collection, recycling and recovery of packaging waste has been established.

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Status Contracted
Start date 09 Jun, 2020
End date 09 Jun, 2022
Contract date 09 Jun, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 299,081.13
Grant 149,540.57
Self finance 149,540.56
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
