"Improving the Competitiveness of Farmer Ivan Veselinov Ivanov"

The main objective of the project is to create a modern farm for the production of quality agricultural produce. This goal will be achieved through the purchase of new production capacities, the implementation of which will lead to higher production and higher quality of production, meeting the requirements of the EU. The choice of equipment is made after research and consultations, visits to fairs and searching for information sources on the Internet. This choice is justified and, according to the applicant, reasonable and necessary, given the technical parameters, financial indicators and size of the holding.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 21 Oct, 2020
End date 21 Oct, 2022
Contract date 21 Oct, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 105,960.00
Grant 42,146.39
Self finance 63,813.61
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
