Purchase a lawn trailer combine

The current project proposal is for the purchase of specialized agricultural equipment (a lawn lender combine) necessary for the processing of 110 decares of lavender, of which 45 decares already planted and 65 decares with the intention of planting by the end of 2018. The land for which the investment is undertaken is in the village of Polkovnik Dyakovo, Krushari where there is an exceptionally favorable combination of soil and natural-climatic conditions for the planting, growth and cultivation of lavender. This project proposal includes the purchase of the following agricultural equipment: BONINO lawn trailer combine, model BE 500 - 1 piece with the following technical characteristics o Recommended power for aggregation 85-100 hp; o Capacity of the basket - 15m3; o Operating speed 5 ÷ 25 km / h (depending on operating conditions); o Rear-loading system; Farmer Konstantin Georgiev applied for 50% financial support amounting to 40,500.00 (forty thousand and five hundred) levs, as the project is for investments, all aimed at the priority sector - permanent crops. (according to the definition of permanent crops - under permanent crops are all holdings on the holding with a shelf-life and usability of more than one year).

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Status Contracted
Start date 03 Aug, 2020
End date 03 Aug, 2022
Contract date 03 Aug, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 81,000.00
Grant 27,356.94
Self finance 53,643.06
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
