'' Creation of plum orchard and purchase of agricultural machinery for increasing agricultural productivity, production volume and more efficient use of resources on a farm in the territory of LPG Belene - Nikopol ''

The aim of the current project is to achieve the higher productivity and competitiveness of the farm, which needs first and foremost a more efficient use of resources to produce less water, energy, fertilizers (especially phosphorus and nitrogen) and pesticides. Sustainable development requires reducing pollution to preserve water quality and soil functionality, preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Appropriate technologies, ICT and satellite navigation assistance, as well as new management tools, provide significant development potential. Strengthening the position of farmers in the supply chain requires innovative approaches that improve transparency, information provision and management capacity and offer new quality products. In order to achieve sustainable increase in agricultural productivity, natural resources must be managed well and in line with environmental requirements. The earth will be particularly important, as it will be where the transition to more sustainable production patterns will be successful. Land is the main resource for agricultural production. Land use has a complex relationship with water quality and quantity, biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. The project proposal is aimed at creating a fruit plum garden and buying machines and equipment for modernization, improving the efficiency and efficiency of the farm, and the result of the investments made will increase the competitiveness of the enterprises from the agricultural sector on the territory of the LAG Belene - Nikopol, as well as the quality of production.

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Status Contracted
Start date 23 Apr, 2021
End date 22 Apr, 2023
Contract date 22 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 146,004.99
Grant 72,688.27
Self finance 73,316.72
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
