Organizing "The feast of the baklava in the village of Kosharna"

The project proposal envisages the organization of Baklava Festival in Kosharna village, which includes the organization, preparation, tasting of local cuisine - demonstration of baklava and banitsa preparation. During the event will also be fulfilled restoration of the observance - kissing the hand, and also restoration - giving out a lamb, preparing sherbet, concerts of singers and music groups. For the event, it is necessary to rent a stage and sound of a musical artistically program with a sound system for external square sound, with professional speaker and guest cook. To perform folk dances, it is also necessary to supply 12 pieces of Turkish folk costumes and 10 pcs. of Bulgarian women's costumes - hortziiki. An ethnographic study of the Ramazan Bayram and Kurban Bayram holidays - religion, information, customs, traditions are also needed. A web portal dedicated to cultural, historical and natural resources in Slivo Pole Municipality is also set up to promote and support the local tourism. The project will also produce an audio-visual work (film/video); 39 pcs. A3 format poster and 30 pcs. catalogue A5 format to be disseminated to the local population and tourists to promote the cultural and historical and natural heritage by organizing various events to support the development of local tourism. There will also be a camera and portable audio system - a speaker with a built-in battery, MP3 player with SD card and flash drive, Bluetooth and wireless karaoke microphone. Costs for consulting services related to project proposal reporting and verification are also planned.

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Status Contracted
Start date 07 Jun, 2021
End date 07 Jun, 2023
Contract date 07 Jun, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 15,520.51
Grant 15,520.51
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), North Central (BG32), Ruse (BG323), Slivo Pole, Kosharna