Purchase of specialized agricultural equipment

This project proposal is for the purchase of specialized agricultural equipment necessary for the cultivation of 174,355 decares of lavender, located in the village of Vladimirovo, Dobrich, where for the planting, growth and cultivation of lavender there is a very favorable combination of soil and natural-climatic conditions. This project proposal includes the purchase of the following agricultural equipment: • MADARA lawn mowers combine model KL - 1 with the following technical specifications o Tray volume - 22 m3; o Operating speed 5 ÷ 25 km / h (depending on operating conditions); • MADARA disc harrow, model KDB 022 LP - 1 piece with the following technical characteristics: o Type - mounted o Working width - 2.2 m The total net financial resource for realization of the investment amounts to 80 125,00 (eighty thousand one hundred twenty five) levs. The assets will be purchased by Madara Agro EOOD, Shumen, with preliminary purchase agreements. The choice was made on the basis of the "lowest price" criterion, of course careful study and comparison of the parameters of the technique with the predefined ones was made. To the investment should be added the amount for the elaboration of the project proposal amounting to BGN 2,400.00 (two thousand four hundred) levs, made by Varna Kasta EOOD, with which the total amount with which the application for financial support under this project proposal amounts to 82,525.00 (eighty two thousand five hundred twenty five) leva.  "HID Invest" Ltd applied for 50% financial support amounting to 41,262.50 (forty one thousand two hundred and sixty two and fifty). The investment will be covered by a loan and own funds. The deadline for the implementation of the project is 10 (ten) months after its approval and the signing of a financial assistance contract.

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Status Contracted
Start date 01 Sep, 2021
End date 23 Jun, 2023
Contract date 01 Sep, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 82,525.00
Grant 41,262.50
Self finance 41,262.50
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), North-East (BG33), Dobrich (BG332), Dobrich town, Vladimirovo