"Mugel" LTD. is applying with a project proposal for "Creation of an innovative modern complex for the production of milk and milk products". The investment will be carried out on a rented terrain, a yard of 1000 sq. m. which is a regulated urban land property I in the 46th district within the regulatory plan of the village of Neofit Rilski, Vetrino municipality, Varna district. The project includes investment costs for: •Purchase of a modular object for milk processing with a capacity of 300 liters per day for the production of yoghurt, cheese, and yellow cheese from sheep and cow milk •Purchase of wastewater treatment Plant VFL AT6 •Construction of an openwork fence and landscaping with site nets, and the purchase of a specialized transport for transporting sheep and cow raw milk For implementation purposes, the project foresees: •The appointment of personnel consisting of 4 people from vulnerable groups from the region of "MIG rise-Vetrino, Valchi Dol, Provadia” •Purchase of a waste water treatment plant for the preservation and protection of the environment •Placing focus on the innovations and their introduction into the production process by: purchase of a modular object for milk processing and production of milk, cheese and cheese, which holds a Certificate for registration of utility model number: 2659 from 09.08.2017 issued by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria with Holder "BLITZ" LTD. Plovdiv and inventor Hristo Nikolov Ivanov •The use of biodegradable bio-plastic packaging and various ceramic utensils for the finished products •Innovative methods of direct linkage of production, trade, and tourism development in the region
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 10 May, 2021 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 10 May, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 244,678.07 |
Grant | 122,339.02 |
Self finance | 122,339.05 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |