"Creation of recreation areas in land properties with identifier 76039.154.1 and 76039.170.6, in the land of the village of Fakia"

The project corresponds to theODAof the municipality.Sredets andObjectives of the financial assistance provided under the procedure BG06RDNP001-19.353LAG Sredets-sub-measure7.5The provision of focused support aims to develop alternative forms of tourism and promotion of natural resources on the territory of "MIGSredets".The project proposal includes the creation of zones for in land properties with identifier76039.154.1and76039.170.6,in the land of the village ofFakia.The main goal of the project is to create a complete environment for outdoor recreation and tourism, given the already submitted project proposal by the municipality ofSr.for placing information boards with tourist routes to sites of cultural and historical heritage in the region.The project envisages the creation of places for recreation and tourism, which include2pcs.pentagonal gazebo,2pcs.information board,4pcs.waste bin,2pcs.barbecue.The pavilions will have a pentagonal wooden structure with benches and a table.All used materials of the facility will be protected against the effects of weathering and non-toxic coatings.The installation of the facilities will be carried out by anchoring in a concrete foundation.The barbecues will be made of refractory concrete near the gazebo.The information board will include information about the project,as well as information about the plant species and fauna in the region.The territory,on which the planned terrains for realization of the project goals are located,is located in the protected zone WestStrandzha.The project proposal aims to acquaint tourists with the species diversity of protected plant and animal species. It will be possible to promote the natural wealth of the region,develop new forms of tourism and make the region a more attractive place for living, recreation,as well as to attract more tourists to the municipalityofSredets.The area near the village ofFakia is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for alternative forms of ecotourism

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Status Contracted
Start date 21 Apr, 2021
End date 30 Jun, 2023
Contract date 21 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 10,777.70
Grant 10,777.70
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 10,777.70
EU participation percent 90.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), South-East (BG34), Burgas (BG341), Sredets, Sredets