“A bridge between the generations, preservation of traditions on the territory of the LAG "Tutrakan - Slivo Pole" through innovations”.

The project is for preparatory activities for starting cooperation and exploring innovative opportunities in the territories of LAG Amersee, Germany, and LAG Cherhatalia, Hungary, on the project proposal "Bridge between generations, preservation of traditions on the territory of LAG" Tutrakan - Slivo Pole " through innovation ”, focusing on good practices for innovative activities, through which the traditions and the young generation in the territories of the partners are supported and preserved. The preparatory activities are related to the study of the possible interaction between the older generation and the young on the one hand and on the other hand the study of opportunities to stimulate the older generation on the territory, the opportunities for knowledge transfer and traditions of the younger generation. The idea for the project was proposed by the Tutrakan-Slivo Pole LAG and supported by letters of interest from 2 potential partners - the Amerzee LAG from Germany and the Cherhatalia LAG from Hungary. The implementation of the project will identify appropriate and applicable measures and actions to be implemented in a follow-up partnership. The project is based on the fact that LAGs have an identified need to work to support and stimulate the aging generation, in order to pass on knowledge and traditions, to stimulate young people in order to reduce migration as a result of seeking new opportunities. The project will explore innovative activities to support and preserve the traditions and the young generation in the territories of the partners. Improving well-being has a direct impact on people's health and hence on quality of life. The theme is unifying for many rural areas in Europe.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 24 Nov, 2020
End date 24 Dec, 2021
Contract date 24 Nov, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 43,701.56
Grant 43,701.56
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%


North Central (BG32)