"Transnational cooperation for environmentally responsible local communities in the rural areas"

The project is prepared for implementation between LAGs from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Spain. The Razlog LAG has been chosen as the Lead Partner, which is also coordinating for the Bulgarian LAGs. The Partnership Agreement describes the obligations and responsibilities of the partners, the ways to change the partnership, the timetable and budget of the project, as well as the joint activities. By pooling their capacity in a common transnational cooperation project, the partners aim to work in depth on the EU's horizontal principle of sustainable development and environmental protection, enshrined in CLLD strategies and the local projects they support, by DEDUCT, SHARE AND IMPLEMENTING on the territories INNOVATIVE MODELS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY THROUGH INCLUSION, PROMOTION AND PRACTICE, LEAD BY LAG-PARTNERS. Through joint and innovative activities, sharing of experiences, exchange of know-how, the project to promote the sustainable development of local communities and the creation of a European identity that complements territorial, regional and national identity. The purposeful support and promotion of products, culture and nature typical for the local communities, to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the CLLD strategies of the partners. Target groups: representatives of the economic, civil and NGO sector, visitors and tourists; local authority. Joint activities: 1. Development of a joint product and service: Catalog; Flyer; System of criteria for assessment of environmental responsibility and methodology for its implementation as a new service; 2. Material investments for introduction of ecological practices on the territory of the LAG from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic; 3. Research and studies; 4. Organizing seminars, conferences, joint events and partner meetings; 5. Project coordination; 6. Dissemination of information; 7. Publicity of the project; 8. Promotional and marketing campaigns on the LAG territories.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 18 Mar, 2021
End date 18 Mar, 2023
Contract date 18 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 307,991.96
Grant 307,991.96
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 90.0%
