The project envisages the construction of a new base - a plant for processing of fruits and vegetables through drying on a new plot 262003 according to the map of the restored property on the locality of Staro Zhelezare village, Hissar. The technical project is divided into two stages, the first stage being the subject of the current investment. Stage I will consist of an expansion of the production base by building a new production site where 12 tunnel dryers with a line for loading the grids with plums; a line for unloading the grids with prunes and washing the prunes will be installed. For automatic post-processing, a calibration installation; a complete plum processing line including washing, rehydrating, automated pyrene removal, optical sorting, sorbation and packaging will be purchased. The main objective of the new plant is to introduce a new technology, increase the production capacities, improve the efficiency and quality, and reduce the production costs. These effects will be achieved by fully automating the production process, reducing scrap, improving the energy efficiency of an enterprise, improving the factors used in production. In addition, about 70% of the output produced during the first years after the introduction of the new equipment in operation will be own production of Maria Kosthilakova, manager and sole proprietor of the company, which guarantees the use of the highest quality raw material. The considerable increase in production capacity, the long-term experience of the company's team in the sphere combined with the closed prunes production cycle and the investment in the most up-to-date equipment will impose Natura Fit Ltd. as a highly competitive company on the international market for dried fruit.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 04 Nov, 2019 |
End date | 04 Nov, 2022 |
Contract date | 04 Nov, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 3,911,270.14 |
Grant | 1,955,635.07 |
Self finance | 1,955,635.07 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 75.0% |