"Distillery for the production of essential oils / rose /

NAR RYADKOV Ltd. is applying for grant under sub-measure 4.2 "Investment in processing / marketing of agricultural products" of measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" of the RDP for the period 2014-2020. The purpose of the project is the construction of a distillery for the production of essential oils (Rosenova) in the property № 438018, Katevo kladenche in the village of Radilovo, Cave, reg. Pazardzhik. The future distillery for the production of essential oils has a processing capacity of 20 kg of rose oil per year. We plan to build a production hall that will include production area, boiler room and adjoining auxiliary premises. Also, machinery and equipment for the production of rose oil will be purchased. The technological process for pink color processing is as follows: Pink oil is produced by processing pink color in a flowering phase of 3.4 and 5 phases by water-steam distillation, with an average yield of 2800 kg pink for 1 kg of rose oil. Number of revolutions 3 in 8 hours • Distillation kettles - 3 pcs. 5 m3 • Distillation boiler - 1 pc. 3 m3 • Pink color in a 5-cubic basin - 500 kg. • Pink color in a 3-cubic basin - 300 kg. The process of distillation processing of pink color is as follows: color acceptance, storage, distillation, primary distillate, co-coupling, decanting, oil draining, hammering, packing and storing.

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Status Contracted
Start date 11 Nov, 2019
End date 11 Nov, 2022
Contract date 11 Nov, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,121,660.90
Grant 1,060,830.44
Self finance 1,060,830.46
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 75.0%
