Construction of a slaughterhouse at PO 58035, village of Kovachitsa, Lom, Montana

ET “Mitko Boev” is an agriculture producer working on a combined plant-growing and livestock breeding farm. He is cultivating more than 11,000 decares of agricultural land for 2017/18 . The livestock breeding farm consist of breeding cows, sheep’s and goats. In connection with this project, ET Mitko Boev intends to build a factory - a slaughterhouse for the production of beef and sheep carcass and processing of meat products. The factory will be built on the territory of the farm, owned by the applicant. The livestock breeding farm has a capacity of 340pcs. Cows and 300pcs. Ewes on average per year. The factory is expected to process only own grown animals and will produce the following quantities of product per year: - Chilled beef – 80,08 tons; - Chilled lamb – 8,19 tons; - Canned beef meat – 13 tons; - Dried beef jerky – 2,34 tons;

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Status Contracted
Start date 05 Mar, 2020
End date 05 Mar, 2023
Contract date 05 Mar, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,453,910.63
Grant 1,226,955.30
Self finance 1,226,955.33
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 75.0%
