Purchase of new technological equipment for a treatment plant at a milk processing plant in the village of Manole

The project envisages the modernization of the technological equipment through its replacement with a more modern and more efficient existing purification plant to a dairy company in Manole, owned by Dairy Products Ltd. During the period 2015-2016, the company applied for and won a project for the construction of a new warehouse for storing finished goods, purchasing machines and production equipment for the needs of a dairy enterprise in order to modernize the existing one, which is entirely in line with the investment goals of " Dairy Products Ltd. aimed at improving the marketing of manufactured products, increasing the production capacity and reducing the cost of production of the products, by investing in an energy-efficient machine us. The company is active, with traditions in the production of high quality dairy products, awarded with numerous awards from specialized exhibitions. In this regard, the investment intentions of Dairy Products Ltd are to achieve better management of the waste from its activities, as thoughts and environmentally friendly. The planned wastewater treatment plant equipment is equipped with state-of-the-art purification methods, providing almost 100% reliability of purification. With the realization of the investment the enterprise will inevitably improve its activity and will create a favorable image in the eyes of the people in the country and the partners abroad. The current investment will lead to a drastic reduction of the production pollution, which corresponds to one of the basic principles and the objectives of measure 4.2 for environmental protection. With the implementation of the project, new jobs will be created and in addition, besides increasing the efficiency of production, the company will become more popular as one of the few in the country enterprises with thinking aimed at preserving the components of the environment environment.

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Status Contracted
Start date 26 Nov, 2019
End date 26 Nov, 2021
Contract date 26 Nov, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 199,927.28
Grant 99,963.64
Self finance 99,963.64
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 75.0%
