Establishment of an enterprise for processing of lavender.

With the implementation of the project, a lavender processing plant will be built. The expenditures under measure 4.2 of the RDP 2014-2020 include the purchase of complete technological equipment for the production, storage, and realization of the production. The lavender processing plant will be built in the village of Chuchuligovo, Petrich municipality. The investment includes the construction of a plant for oil extraction from essential oil and medical crops and the installation of technological equipment in it. The investment proposal is a new activity for the applicant. The main source of the raw material is entirely its own production, cultivated by "Sani Land" Ltd. Theestablishment of a new enterprise and the introduction of the operation of new modern production facilities will also provide permanent jobs for the local population.  The introduction of new technologies in the processing of essential oil crops will help "Sani Land" Ltd. to maintain quality and consistent with all requirements production. After the realization of the project, "Sani Land" Ltd. will have a modern processing plant - distillery for essential oils, fully equipped with the necessary machinery and equipment, adapted to all energy saving and ecological requirements and guaranteeing the highest quality indicators of both the raw material and the finished product.

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Status Contracted
Start date 15 Jul, 2021
End date 15 Jul, 2023
Contract date 15 Jul, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 215,115.60
Grant 107,557.80
Self finance 107,557.80
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 75.0%
