Reconstruction of existing buildings into an enterprise for processing and storage of bee honey and bee products, as well as construction of a production, storage and auxiliary building to it and purchase of technological equipment

The current investment project is aimed at building a new plant for the processing and storage of organic honey by finishing the project for reconstruction of existing buildings and construction of new production, warehouse and auxiliary building as well as purchase of the necessary technological equipment. The location of the investment is in plot I, district 18, according to the plan of the village of Alvanovo, Targovishte, which the applicant Ram Kom Ltd. purchases at the end of 2016 for the purpose of completing the existing buildings in a processing plant for organic honey. The investment costs of the project are directed to construction and assembly work for the construction of its own organic honey processing plant and the purchase of technological equipment, including a specialized laboratory for precision quality control. The project is divided into two main sub-actions: 1. Finishing of a project for reconstruction of existing buildings in an enterprise for production and storage of bee honey and bee products and purchase of technological equipment for processing of organic honey in small cups with a capacity of 100 tons out of a total of 500 tons for the whole enterprise. 2. Construction of a production, warehouse and auxiliary building for processing and storage of organic bee honey and bee products, as well as purchase of the necessary technological and laboratory equipment with a total capacity of the entire production base of 500 tons.

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Status Contracted
Start date 08 Jan, 2020
End date 08 Jan, 2023
Contract date 08 Jan, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,469,088.61
Grant 734,544.29
Self finance 734,544.32
Total paid 734,544.26
EU participation percent 75.0%
